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Our Okie is an AKC 8 lb Maltese. He has dark black eyerims and the sought after white coat. He is gorgeous! He is the stud male to my tiny maltipoo.
Our Andy is an AKC 8 lb Toy Poodle. He has a lovely red coat and the silliest nature about him ! He is the perfect little guy and has gorgeous little red pups for us.
Jocktober is an 8 lb Red/White Maltipoo male. He is one of our pups from Onyx and the father to alot of our Maltipoo babies and has precious little babies. Most of the Family Size Maltipoo are out of Jocktober and are simply spectacular pups! He is named after the former Atlanta Braves player Jock Pederson.
Bodie is an F1b Mini Bernedoodle. He is a ham and will keep you laughing all day! He has a gentle spirit and is a gentleman while having his grooming time.